Monday, March 19, 2012


I hate Texas storms in the Spring because that means inevitable tornadoes. Right now we're under a tornado watch that won't lift until tomorrow. I'm not really scared of a lot of things but I will unashamedly admit that yes, I am scared of tornadoes.

In 1997 there was an F5 tornado that hopped and skipped through the area where I live. I was home alone at the time and being a 12 year-old, I didn't really know what to do or what was going to happen to me or my family. The tornado ended up destroying a town 5 miles south of us. Later that week there were  several smaller tornadoes in the same area.

With me, there's an anxiety that comes during these storms. I get quiet and can't be in a room by myself. I love Texas but if there was one thing I could change or one thing that would make me leave it would be these storms.